Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inspiration: Quilts of Gee's Bend

Ever since first hearing of them, I've been fascinated by the quilters of Gee's Bend. The quilts created by generations of this tight knit community of women, technique passed down through generations, the celebration of colour and pattern, are breathtaking. They're like nothing I've ever seen before, piecing works with Sears corduroy and old work clothes to create these beautiful, subtle hues where the fabric has worn or using sheets and scarves in a whirlwind of colour and pattern. I was so happy to come across this book at the library the other day and I've been reading a bit each night. Aside from the quilts there are the stories of the women who create them, all these strong women, confident in their own artistic expression. Not a bad thought to drift off to sleep with.
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