Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two Years

Today marks the two year anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake. I was looking through the photos of our recent trip and was reminded of the first one up there, that seemed perfect for today. It wasn't until writing this post that I realised that meant it was also just a little over two years since returning to New Zealand from Vancouver, on our way to Lyttelton. Kate and Chris took us out there for a visit and while it was still really lovely, there was a sadness in that I had never managed to see it in it's full pre-quake, historic glory.

Despite the inspiration of the creativity and community that was risen out of the damage the earthquake left, I can only begin to imagine how difficult today must be for many of those from or with ties to the city. I'm really excited for it's future, but for today think about those who are mourning a mountain of loss.

Kia Kaha, Christchurch.

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